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Ultime Attivtà


Funded by the European Union - under the grant of the European Union's Consumer Programme (2020-2025) - we have created the Integrated Information System (SII), in Italian and English, which at the operational level allows us to improve the effectiveness, in terms of time and resources, of our interventions (complaints) to protect consumers towards energy suppliers, and more easily obtain useful data for collective, national and European actions.

Image by Júnior Ferreira


Funded by the European Union - under the grant of the European Union's Consumer Programme (2020-2025) - we have created the Integrated Information System (SII), in Italian and English, which at the operational level allows us to improve the effectiveness, in terms of time and resources, of our interventions (complaints) to protect consumers towards energy suppliers, and more easily obtain useful data for collective, national and European actions.

Mediterranean Diet

Studies prove it: it's the healthier.

And it's even sustainable!

frutta e verdura
Image by Hello I'm Nik

Are you young and having problems using TikTok? Leave your testimony!

Are you or your kid a regular TikTok user? If so, we would like to know more about your experience!


In February 2021, consumer associations from 15 Countries sent a complaint to the European authorities in defense of consumers regarding unfair and deceptive commercial practices on TikTok.


In order to learn more about some of the issues consumers are facing on TikTok and to help supporting our ongoing initiative, we have decided to launch a campaign to collect testimonies.

Our Goals, Our Commitment

What we have realized

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